Medication Chambers

Medication Chambers

Nebuliser chambers are small plastic containers that are designed to hold the liquid medication that is converted into aerosol (or ‘mist’) to treat respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchiectasis, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and more. They play a vital part in delivering inhalation therapies to individuals with respiratory illnesses.

To ensure a nebuliser continues to operate effectively and provides the respiratory treatment needed, the nebuliser chamber must be replaced regularly. The chamber should be changed at least once a year for optimum effectiveness and to reduce the risk of infection. Some components, for example the aerosol head for the eFlow®Rapid, should be changed more frequently. Users should also follow cleaning and maintenance instructions carefully and avoid sharing accessories  with anyone else.


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    About Nebicorum

    At Nebicorum , we believe in clinically proven, effective aerosol therapy products that provide the user with the best possible medication delivery experience. We limit the number of products we offer and heavily screen those products based on clinical trial results and other studies or data. Often with traditional purchasing options, the choice of product is taken from the patient and made by others. Here at Nebicorum, you make the best choice for your health. We promise to provide quality, clinically-proven aerosol therapy systems backed by education and exceptional customer service. Shop now and have your choices delivered directly to you!